What is your best memory of your Pledge/Associate Member class?

"Clint Powell. That says it all." 
-Bryan Baldwin, B.E. 325 

"Making signs for Home Games." 
-Paul F. Heckman, B.E. 139 

"Work projects at the white house. Re-doing the kitchen." 
-Chris Morton, B.E. 274 

"Trying to keep the lamp going." 
-James R. Sanders, B.E. 172 

"The trip to Lake Mathis to play 'TAG'. Lots of fun." 
-William M. Sanchez, B.E. 359 

"Chapter Retreat. White Rose. Spring Break '94 at South Padre." 
-Ram Guzman, B.E. 369 

"The Night before initiation. A.M. functions." 
-Kyle Waggoner, B.E. 182 

"Having the Sheriff's Dept. show up at Retreat.... and knowing them." 
-Winston R. Kelly, Jr., B.E. 346 


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